Earn free MKR on Coinbase

By New Age Wealth | New Age Wealth | 5 Oct 2020

Coinbase adds MakerDAO's governance token MKR to the growing list of cryptos offered through the Coinbase Earn Program. New and existing users can earn up to $6 in MKR by watching videos which will teach you about MakerDAO and answering a few questions about how it works. Don't worry if you get the questions wrong they can be done as many times as needed.

The earn program is a great incentive to get new users interested in crypto and a nice reward for those already existing to the platform. There is a list of other cryptos that can be earned, so be sure to check those out too! 


Sign up for Coinbase and earn $10 in free Bitcoin: https://www.coinbase.com/join/tinagl_i

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