Since publishing this essay the tensions in the Middle East between Israel, Lebanon, and increasingly Iran make the statements herein more prescient though many will chose to ignore what is truly at the heart of what is developing.
As with the Wizard of Oz; realize who, or in this case: what is behind the curtain!
Is it irony, or prophetic belief that two worldly events, spanned 2000 years apart, shapes Humanity’s destiny?
With the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, historically claimed to have been incited by Orthodox Jewish beliefs; and, two-thousand years hence on September 11, 2001 [9/11] an orchestrated attack on the United States’ World Trade Center though blamed upon a small group of Muslim extremist [terrorists] but since, concrete evidence suspiciously connects Israeli Jewish fundamentalist to have committed the offense in the belief it essential for fulfillment of prophecy of God’s earthly manifestation.
But how and why should an attack on the United States’ epicenter of global financial dominance be part of evoking the coming of God?
Though no one alive today can attest to the true events of 2000 years ago, millions are alive to have witnessed the destruction of the World Trade Center a.k.a.: 9/11, but more importantly, what has unfolded as a result.
Following the advent of 9/11, with the prevailing belief that Muslim extremist at the behest and funding of Muslim nations and the unspoken goading of Israeli lobbyists AIPAC1 [American Israeli Public Affairs Center] at the behest of the Israeli Knesset and its ruling governance, the United States, a staunch alley, beyond just the 2001 passing of the Patriot Act2 set the stage for the US Department of National Defense strategic plan to attack seven predominately Muslim nations, in the course of five years.
“And Israel’s diabolical objective is “To Take Out” Palestine, with the support of the US, as part of “The Greater Israel Project””3
The seven nations that constituted the United States’ planned invasion offensive: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan & Iran; and, as of this date October 2024 with the exception Iran, all has been accomplished. Lebanon is presently underway and Iran, under the watchful eye of the United States, is being provoked, threatened to instigate war with Israel.
So why is it essential for Jewish prophecy to be fulfilled to subjugate, if not eliminate the Muslim presence in the greater Middle East, with the aid of the United States?
At present in Jerusalem is The Dome of the Rock a.k.a.: The Golden Dome4,[built by Caliph 'Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan between 685 and 691 AD] a structure that dominates the Temple Mount. According to the Bible text, on it is built the First Temple5 of the Jews circa 1000 B.C.. It is said to have been torn down 400 years later by the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar, who sent many Jews into exile.
So what exactly is the Jewish Orthodox prophecy?
“Orthodox Jewish Prophecy: God's Coming6
According to Orthodox Jewish tradition, the coming of God (also referred to as the Messiah or Mashiach) is deeply rooted in biblical prophecies and rabbinic interpretations. While there is no single, universally accepted prophecy that explicitly mentions the exact timing or circumstances of the Messiah’s arrival, several passages and concepts are considered crucial to understanding the Jewish perspective on this topic.”
Orthodox belief suggests for the return of Messiah,” the Temple Mount is considered the site where the third and final Temple will be built when the Messiah come”7.
And obviously for such construction to take place, the destruction of the Dome of the Rock is essential.
And for the Dome of the Rock to be destroyed, the dominant Muslim presence must be subjugated, if not ideally, eliminated.
Many, likely including the majority of Israeli citizens, are to believe the current Israeli national leader Benjamin Netanyahu‘s motivation, with the aid of the United States, to incite conflict with Muslim nations in the regions is for the dominance of the entire Middle East; however, in truth and has been publicly stated, is being motivated by leading Orthodox Jewish Rabbi. Dominance in the Middle East region will ensure the unimpeded construction of the third and final Temple essential of the Messiah’s arrival.
Humanity appears on the precipice of its destruction, driven there by ancient prophecy believed by a minority of its earthly inhabitants, and maybe that is the fashion by which a “Messiah” if He exists, we all come to witness: at the bottom of a “mushroom cloud”: R.I.P.
2 PATRIOT ACT The official title of the USA PATRIOT Act is "Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism (USA PATRIOT) Act of 2001."