Retrospective to Lessons Learned?

By naykdhodlr | naykdhodlr | 16 Nov 2024


world divide


As time moves forward a chance to look back upon earlier pondering of the Human Condition to reflect upon what if anything has changed in the matter being addressed in the following written early 2015; and unfortunately it would have to suggest: it may have gotten worse. 

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Malignant chaos’ sufferance globally grows;
Chronicling an age of brutality, suppression imposed;
Religion, ethnicity, skin color given cause to diminish, abuse;
Repetitively spoken with indifference, nightly, by mainstream News.

Political factions volley reason for remedy course to chart;
Pulling the strings of humanity’s ailing, callusing heart;
Hope; a candle lit to a darkened room, looms bright,
Yet, is easily snuffed, its flame doused by hysteria and fright.

The battle between goodness and evil, thought to be ancient foe,
Yet, deeper into a darkening chasm of hate seems the current flow;
Modernity; period of intellect able to overcome these incessant storms,
Renders without precedent; historical antecedent to this expected norm.

The hammered wedge of divineness that grows increasingly wide;
Bought by differing nationalism, theology, moral beliefs and pride;
Need be diffused by reason of intellect, compassion and compromise to succeed
So, the collective of humanity can finally cauterize this gaping wound’s bleed.

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