For anyone whom may be following postings, it should be obvious my history is long, possibly longer than many whom participate on this platform.
That said, the opportunity to share observations to matter that remain a concern, and possibly even more so Today; is to offer a retrospective of recent, past history to evaluate if matters are getting better or sadly, worse in terms of the human condition.
This topic is not of interest to all, hence putting this preamble to save those not interest in the subject, the opportunity to put their time better spent elsewhere.
But, to those interested, it is hoped to serve to an insight not otherwise to be had.
Last Chance Revolution - Lost? (August,2010)
In the shallow shadow of the conspiracy theorist, I submit to you the following scenario:
Firstly, I think we can all admit and accept the planet no, more accurately, the planet’s tenants are becoming increasingly agitated. It is evident in every sector and system that affects our daily lives: weather, finance, economy, morality, etc, etc.. The debate that has ensued is, `Is this by design or destiny of fate?’.
In an attempt to address this question from the perspective of the present 2010 looking retrospectively forward, one might conclude: by design!
The impetus to all that appears to be occurring is the sublimation to servitude achieved by perpetrated, induced fear of a ghostly threat, only to achieve the ultimate goal of `imperial control’. That gives rise on how best to achieve this end.
The inception of the Internet1 has to be the grease that turned this massive wheel of deception and tyranny.
Through out history especially modern history, the government intelligence community is easily traced to assassinations, coups, and other mischievous activities to attain the goals of the ruling power (democratic or otherwise). Well it is well known to all how the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) have had their hands dirty by the most insidious and corrupt affairs of both domestic and international politics that leads to the focus on domestic political affairs within the realm of the global oligarchy. In effect who is controlling whom?
To make the point clearer I suggest the analogy of the `ponsi-scheme2’ that I am sure in light of the current financial system debacle most are familiar with the term; well, that is what the global oligarch from the top-down, represents that is, a myriad of power groups are layered ever upward to yet another, then another to in the end does anyone know who controls whom since the membership amongst the very senior of these strata are all of the same family lineage – an inter-marriage of power through ultimate, yet yielding to when enforced upon, power.
By introduction and retailing of the Internet saw the incredible growth in both the software and hardware industry increasingly geared toward `social networking’ whereby the unbridled, unconscious relinquishing of typically sensitive, private and confidential information on the deception of being close to family and friends. The growth of global tracking or geosynchronous positioning satellite system and technologies or G.P.S., compounded by electronic banking and diminishing of hard currency transactions at the retail, consumer level, all in combination had the general populations masses totally under there control. The next step was the installation of the `fear factor’.
The icon date: September 11, 20013 infamously known as 9/11, was the catalysts to this objective. The destruction of the United States financial icon of global financial superiority rivaling that of Wall Street, along with a reputed three-thousand fatalities, was horrific enough to the then coddled, protected and naïve to the horrors of conflict general population, they immediately succumb to the whims and wants of the powers that be, from that date forward. The two major conflicts that followed against Iraq and Afghanistan were precipitous to the financial collapse of the fiat monetary system and the major world banks up to but not including the international, central banks putting the entire global financial, monetary and economic power in the hands of the oligarchy.
The obvious question that comes to mind is where were the people during this time – the activists, the rebelling youth of the time, how did they allow this to flourish? The few youth of the new millennium that saw through the charade were too few in number to stand-up effectively against the increasingly militarized, interwoven departments of police and military security under the central control of the Homeland security establishments. The majority of youth were oblivious to what was happening around them being far too consumed with Internet based networking socializing, video games and other diversionary, established activities. One could say they unwittingly submitted to the slaughter of the civil and human rights coached there by mindless diversions.
Given what has been stated above, the following is my hypothesis of what is yet to come:
The present year is 2010 and the current western demographic has the majority of adult population being those born post WWII. The average age of this group is between their early to mid-sixties. This group is comprised typically of well-educated and financially successful and established individuals of means and those who are most immediately venerable to the uncontrollable effects of down-sizing affected by design, by the oligarchy as per the above outline. It is this group that I believe are the last hope to initiate or motivate a revolt on the increasingly evident plans for dominance by the oligarchy. Yet sadly it is my belief this group, having grown fat, satisfied and mentally lazy are about to too, relinquish any form of resistance to what they consider a power too big to fight.
In summation, the prospects for dark and forlorn days ahead is only in the eyes of those who `see it coming’ yet are to few in number to change this perceived course. All those remaining are oblivious as will be their prodigy, not sensing or aware of the changes that are taking place as they naively consume a contrived, virtual life existence: the fuel energy to power the oligarchy machine (not unlike that depicted in the movie `The Matrix’).
2 Ponzi scheme - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation that pays returns to separate investors from their own money or money paid by subsequent investors, ...
3 9/11 conspiracy theories - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 9/11 conspiracy theories allege that the September 11 attacks in 2001 were either intentionally allowed to happen or were a false flag operation ...