Artificial Intelligence an Artist's Tool?

By naykdhodlr | naykdhodlr | 23 Dec 2024


A recent posting [https://www.publish0x.com/naykdhodlr/the-art-of-ai-xmjloqp] discussing the marvels of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its implications with the realm of Art, Artistry, and Artists. 

Personally wanting to explore AI's attributes by way of DZINE.AI platform working with original art and photographs, the next step was the best way to publicize the resulting works. This led to the possibility of QR Code format which too, I have found fascinating in the ability to `compress' so much data into a relatively minimalist graphic, and its portal to so much more. 

The following is an example of just that:



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A free-lance writer delving into an eclectic array of topic of interest; crypto-development being of the many.


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