By naykdhodlr | naykdhodlr | 14 Jan 2025





This is a screenshot sampling of 2024 movies available from a streaming service and no, it is not a result from `horror' genre movie search.

Given the daily state of stress derived from global conflict of war, political upheaval, social decay, and economic hardship and trauma that is enveloping our human sphere; is this the genre of entertainment to serve as source of escape/relief from these often unavoidable conditions?

Is there a motivation, a design of thought to fill the movie entertainment venue with blood curdling violence, mayhem, and just senseless human degradation?

It is often said by those in the industry how difficult it is to source needed funding to produce a movie; then how is it this sampling of sixteen movies could possibly me produced with a sense of return on investment. Or does it speak more to how the industry interprets the `wants' of the targeted viewing audience?

Exploring the question as to whether such genre of entertainment can psychologically, physiologically, emotionally affect those whom view this genre of movie. An AI response produced the following:

Impact of Movie Violence Studies

Several studies have explored the psychological, physiological, and emotional impacts of violence in movies on viewers. These studies have found that exposure to violent content can lead to a range of effects, including desensitization, changes in behavior, and alterations in physiological responses.

  • Desensitization: Research indicates that repeated exposure to violence in movies can lead to desensitization, where individuals become less emotionally affected by violent content over time. This can manifest as a reduction in distress levels and changes in physiological responses, such as blood pressure (BPM).
  • Behavioral Inhibition: A study found that watching violent movies can weaken behavioral inhibition in adolescents, potentially leading to riskier decision-making (PMC10262287).
  • Physiological Reactions: Studies have shown that acute exposure to violence in movies can result in short-term increases in physiological stress responses, such as cortisol and blood pressure levels. Chronic exposure may lead to long-term increases in baseline levels of these stress indicators, which can contribute to various health problems (PMC4393354).
  • Emotional Distress: Exposure to violence in movies can also affect emotional distress, with studies indicating curvilinear relationships where moderate levels of exposure may peak in distress but reduce at higher levels (PMC4393354).
  • Gender Differences: Research suggests that gender may play a role in how individuals respond to violence in movies, with some studies indicating that males and females may exhibit different levels of desensitization or physiological responses (PMC4393354).
  • Neuroimaging: Neuroimaging is being explored as a promising avenue for better understanding the impact of exposure to violence on cognitive, emotional, and behavioral processes (PMC4393354).
  • Longitudinal Effects: Longitudinal studies have shown that exposure to violent media, including movies, can lead to long-term increases in the risk of aggressive behavior, partly due to observational learning and desensitization processes (PMC2704015).
  • Correlation with Aggression: There is a significant correlation between exposure to violent media and aggressive behavior, with studies indicating that playing violent video games can increase aggressive behavior, affect, cognitions, and physiological arousal (PMC2704015).
  • Prospective Studies: Studies that follow participants over time have found that children’s exposure to violent electronic media, including violent games, leads to long-term increases in their risk for behaving aggressively and violently (PMC2704015).
  • Meta-Analysis: Meta-analyses have provided evidence that exposure to violent media has detrimental effects on viewers, including increases in aggressive behavior, affect, cognitions, and physiological arousal, and decreases in prosocial behavior (PMC2704015)

Recognizing the studied, real-life negative impact from consistent exposure to such genre of movies raises the question: Why is there such a preponderance and seemingly excessive volume made available especially considering the financial cost to produce such?



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