Venture Capital Firms Back MetaWear to Bring the 3 Trillion Fashion Industry into the Metaverse

By Crypto Guys | Navid Ladani | 3 Feb 2022

The internet is full of the meta craze these days and tons of platforms are already working on providing people with the opportunity to live a completely virtual life where they can be anyone they want and even grow their own financial empires.

Within all this, the digital fashion industry seems to gain a new life with wearables like clothing, shoes and accessories available for the avatars. Yet by and large, there doesn’t seem to be much of an effort being done to bring existing fashion into the metaverse.

Industry Heavyweights

This is changing, thanks to MetaWear, a cross-platform digital fashion platform that is building a meta fashion mall, allowing any brand to enter the virtual fashion world and sell digital copies of their products.

The MetaWear team has done its homework thoroughly, thanks to the decades of experience the development team has behind it. The Founder, Dr. A. Bahadir Yener is a respectable academic, a published author and a global authority on marketing/sales tactics who has more than 25 years of experience. Joining him are textile and fashion experts, along with big data, virtual designers and other marketing experts.

The rich team and an outstanding idea has been picked up by VCs too, including Insiders Ventures and GTS. Along with these, more than 115 other investors are ready to come on board. Even Zuckerberg, the founder of Meta has been impressed,

“We still have a ways to go with Nazare, but it seems MetaWear had taken a giant step into business and started to transform whole real world fashion industry to the Metaverse.”

Combined with their Influencer Gate project, influencers from the fashion industry, meta and crypto sector can join the ever-expanding development team, providing unprecedented access to a wealth of information and expertise to help shape the fashion mall as the de facto place to visit for meta fashion needs.

MetaWear: Unlocking the 3 Trillion Fashion Industry

There have been attempts in the past to digitize the real-world fashion industry, such as the bold attempts by Second Life to host virtual shops. But the concepts like these failed since the platform and the wearables within these remained isolated.

The use of blockchain and its NFT applications breathes a new life into the metaverse concept, now letting users practically have complete ownership of their online fashion clothing. But then again, there are new players in the digital fashion sector and the 3 trillion dollars traditional fashion industry remains largely ignorant or cut off.

MetaWear is a platform that changes all of this by letting any fashion brand, from the world’s most renowned to the upcoming ones, get in on the metaverse bandwagon through its MetaWear Fashion Mall. The beauty of the digital mall is that, unlike other ventures, it doesn’t require fashion lovers to switch over the MetaWear platform. The shopping mall is cross-platform compatible, meaning that it can bolt onto any metaverse platform, allowing shoppers to buy their favorite brands, now in the digital realm, without ever needing to leave their preferred platform.

On the other hand, MetaWear gives brands and other fashion houses unprecedented access to the complete metaverse, all from the comfort of one single mall, the MetaWear Fashion Mall. The potential MetaWear brings to the world is nicely summed up by Dr. Yener,

“I can’t wait to sign Armani, Gucci and Prada and wear my Prada suit in my meetings in the Metaverse.”

With limited shops available, the MetaWear Fashion Mall is open for all kinds of investors, be it big brands or an individual. To ensure even distribution, MetaWear limits the amount of investment as an anti whale mechanism. As long as you are related to fashion or the crypto industry, you can take part in the presale.

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