Raydium’s Launchpad AcceleRaytor To Host Zebec's Public Raise

By Crypto Guys | Navid Ladani | 15 Mar 2022

Automated Market Maker platform, Raydium, is enthralled to help Zebec launch and build its community through its upcoming dex offering on AcceleRaytor. Zebec is a financial settlement DApp that aims to ease payment transactions between traders on the Solana network, enabling users to receive payments on the spot. 

Zebec is one of the industry's first payroll products to revolutionize payroll and cash flow. The team reveals Zebec has an in-built feature that withholds tax and a debit card for use on Solana. With a solid infrastructure, Zebec has provided support to over 250 projects.

Zebec has raised over $21 million from industry experts, such as Solana Ventures, Lightspeed, DST Global, etc. The upcoming launch on Raydium's launchpad will occur in two phases – the public sale and the IDO. The public sale will take place on March 15 at 4.00 UTC, while the IDO will start on March 16 at 4.00 UTC. 

How to Enroll in Both Upcoming Events 

Zebec will raise funds by selling its project token ZBC. Based on the team's disclosure, Zebec will make available 50 million ZBC, representing 0.5% of the total supply at 0.021 USDC each. The team hopes to raise 1.05 million USDC through the public sale through a lottery model.

By lottery, participants must stake a specified number of RAY tokens in the provided pool for a number of days to receive a ticket, which determines the quantity of USDC to invest to earn ZBC. According to Raydium, participants can stake a minimum of 7 days and a maximum of 180 days before the stipulated time frame elapses. It means every participant must stake before the public sale. 

The 7-day timeframe requires the investor to stake a minimum of 100 RAY. The participant is given one ticket for their 100 RAY investment, two for 200, and so on up to 500 RAY. When the pool opens, participants are entitled to deposit 105 USDC for each ticket to be validated. 

As for the 30-day period, investors are required to invest a minimum of 50 RAY thirty days to the sale. The user receives extra tickets in addition to those received during the seven days period. The same goes for the 90-day deadline and 180-day deadlines. 

The lottery occurs when the pool officially closes. Winning tickets receive an allocation in ZBC equal to their 105 USDC deposit. Users can withdraw USDC for any tickets that didn't win, while winners can claim their ZBC allocation on the day of Zebec's IDO, when the liquidity pool will be opened.

How Raydium Disrupts the DeFi Space

Raydium is a DeFi protocol that emerged from the evolving space with a mission to disrupt the industry and address key issues with liquidity and execute trade orders that are frequently seen on other DEXs. For instance, AMMs on a blockchain like Ethereum don't share liquidity with other protocols, leading to market fragmentation and intense competition to meet demands.

Raydium aims to mitigate these existing problems in DeFi. Raydium leverages the super-fast, efficient Solana blockchain to allow users to swap, trade, and provide liquidity while also providing on-chain liquidity to the Serum DEX order book, meaning Raydium users have access to the full order flow and liquidity on Serum. 

Raydium also bootstraps projects on the AcceleRaytor launchpad by creating liquidity. This is one of the core initiatives of Raydium that aims to spearhead the development of projects and the Solana ecosystem. AcceleRaytor enables projects to raise funds through an Initial Dex Offering and users to participate in early token offerings by staking RAY (Raydium's utility token). 

One of the launchpad's standouts is that it doesn't accept fees for its services. So, project owners can rest assured they won't be charged exorbitantly for listing their project on Raydium. Raydium remains the only AMM/Launchpad that allows projects to bootstrap liquidity through a public raise and yield farm (Fusion). 

Raydium has contributed significantly to the Solana ecosystem by driving liquidity for new projects since its launch in 2021. It is on the verge of linking up with other Solana projects to further expand product offerings on the network. The aim is to provide more liquidity to projects and expedite transactions on Serum and throughout the blockchain. 


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