Another day on the bike, but I have to admit that today was already hard

By madventure | Nature, Photography | 7 Jul 2024

Another day on the bike, but I have to admit that today was already hard. The few gusts of wind in the forest gave some coolness, but only for a moment. Exposure to the sun was tiring and took away the desire to continue pedaling. So I spent a lot of time on the bench with people who felt the same way.



I am strangely tired and in 3 weeks I have lost about 5 kg. I don't agree with the intensity of training. Is it just water from the body? I hope, although I complete consistently.





We'll see what tomorrow brings, maybe an increase in form or further weakness. In a month I'll be in the Caucasus Mountains, and I'm a little worried about my form. It will rebuild.


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backpackers, traveler, nature lover, photographer, dreamer

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