I met this interesting and, as it turns out, medicinal plant species quite by accident. It turns out that it grows near the mushroom, which I have already described earlier.
This mushroom is the scaly brandy, a tasty arboreal mushroom. I wonder if it's a coincidence, because I haven't met a plant called Dąbrówka hairy anywhere else in the park.
Ajuga genevensis can be successfully cultivated, but it also occurs in the wild, natural state in Europe and Asia.
It appears in early spring and is characterized by beautiful blue flowers in the shape of jugs. The stem can reach up to 30 cm in height, and beautiful blue flowers are arranged on it in a conical manner.
Extracts from this plant are used to treat all kinds of cuts, bruises and injuries related to contusions.
The plant was also used as a substitute for quinine in the treatment of malaria.
In addition, this plant is perfect as a remedy for insomnia, prevents atherosclerosis, strokes.