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All Of The Bitcoin/Altcoin Apps I Use...

By CodyMac50 | MyCripticLife | 8 Apr 2023

I want to share all of the apps I use to gain as much crypto as I can.

Some I will provide a referral link, and others are so well known I believe the majority here already have the app.

These apps are not in any order, just how they are on my phone...

#1. (NO referral link.)

The majority of the world has heard about this app, and if you haven't, let me know in the comments and I will happily give a link.

#2. Cointiply. 

#3. BTCPop. (LINK)

#4. Faucet Of Bob. (LINK)

#5. Final Auto Faucet. 

#6. Pipe Flare. 

#7. Faucet Gamers. (LINK)

#8. Gemly. 

#9. Litecoin Giveaway. 

#10. Bitcoin Cash Giveaway. 

#11. BetFury.

#12. PlayNANO. (LINK)

#13. Satoshi Hero.

#14. Crypto Win. (LINK)

#15. Fire Faucet.

#16. Hashing Ad Space. (LINK)

#17. Stake Cube.

#18. Coin Pay U.

#19. Coin Diversity. (LINK)

#20. DogeMate. 

#21. Earn Bitcoin.

#22. StormGain.

#23. House of Bitcoin. (LINK)

#24. Space Token Faucet.

#25. Bastyon.

#26. Rollercoin.

#27. LarvelFaucet. 

The next 5 are connected...

#28. FONE Network.

#29. Crypto Treasures.

#30. Crypto Planet.

#31. Card Clash.

#32. Green Karma.

Some games that pay in crypto...

#33. SplinterLands.

#34. Crypto Dragons. 

#35. Crypto Cats. 

#36. Karmaverse Zombie. (LINK)

There are a few sites that I won't recommend at this time, due to very bad reviews, and in another post I will talk about those sites when I have more info.

As of now, these are the apps that are using just about every inch of space on the screens, and storage as well.

I also obviously have the wallets like Metamask and Trust Wallet, along with Coinomi, and FaucetPay.

Let me know in the comments below your thoughts on these sites and others you think may help me reach my goals...

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I'm Cody and will post about anything christian, crypto, and sometimes crazy...


I was involved with crypto since 2012, but left after homelessness entered my life. Now I am back, (since July of 2020) and ready to live this crypto life!

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