Portfolio December update - $2418 of passive crypto income

Portfolio December update - $2418 of passive crypto income

By XawPublish | My token portfolio | 2 Jan 2023

Welcome to the monthly review of my token portfolio, I started tracking this portfolio now 34 months ago in full transparency. I provide updates of the interests received, the services used and the transactions performed during the month. This post tracks what happened in December 2022.

Crypto interests

The portfolio earnings reached $2418 this month, that's a 37% decrease from the previous month. The following tokens (including any kind of airdrops, mining, staking, interest rewards, browsing interest, Publish0x payments, and any kind of promo code or referee bonus) contributed to the earnings. They are ordered from the largest to the lowest contribution:

  • 9953 MON from Defi Franc as rewards from providing liquidity to the DCHF/3crv pool 
  • 718275 LFT from Lend Flare as rewards for supplying ETH and WBTC
  • 0.214115 ETH from GMX and from Redacted as reward from respectively staking my GMX tokens and staking my BTRFLY tokens
  • 382 CRV from Convex Finance as reward to my participation to the cvxFXS/FXS, LINK/sLINK, FRAX/FPI liquidity pools, staking cvxCRV and locking CVX
  • 2.07 GMX from GMX.io as staking interest.
  • 14 FXS from Convex Finance as reward to my shares of the FXS/cvxFXS, FRAX/FPI liquidity pools and CVX locking. I also received my brides from Votium as FXS thanks to Lama Airforce.
  • 76 OSMO from Osmosis as rewards from my share of the ATOM/OSMO and BTC/OSMO liquidity pools.
  • 11.2 CVX from Convex Finance as interest on my shares of the LINK/sLINK, FRAX/FPI, FXS/cvxFXS liquidity pools, cvxCRV staking pool and CVX locking.
  • 18 USDC from Convex Finance(3Crv)
  • 13 LUNA from Terra as staking rewards.
  • 0.13 BTRFLY from Redacted as reward from staking my BTRFLY tokens.
  • 4.43 HNT from my Helium access points.
  • 3.65 JUNO from my JUNO staking.
  • 0.28 ATOM as staking reward from my ATOM.
  • 0.11 auraBAL from Aura as rewards from locking my AURA.

The following diagram depicts the evolution of the received monthly crypto interests: 

Interest history

Regarding the interest composition  MON(47%), LFT(21%), ETH(10%), CRV(8%) and FXS(5.6%) are the top contributors. The remaining 13 sources are around 9.6%.  

Interest composition

Transactions realized

Beginning of the month,

  • I swapped my BTRFLY unlocked from Redacted for WBTC
  • I claimed my LFT and MON rewards from Lend Flare and Defi Franc and swapped them into WBTC
  • I supplied this new WBTC into Lend Flare
  • I compounded my GMX rewards, bridged the earned ETH into Ethereum chain, swapped them for WBTC and supplied it to Lend Flare

Middle of the month,

  • I moved by ZKP into the new Panther staking contracts on Polygon
  • I claimed my LFT and MON rewards from Lend Flare and Defi Franc and swapped them into WBTC
  • I cleaned up my Binance account and moved the remaining funds into the Defi Franc DCHF/3CRV liquidity pool 

End of the month,

  • I compounded my GMX rewards
  • I claimed my LFT and MON rewards from Lend Flare and Defi Franc and swapped them into WBTC
  • I unbounded all my liquidity pools from Osmosis. The idea here is to move the remaining funds into something more stable.

Evolution of the portfolio value

  • The portfolio finished the month with a loss of $3K which is -1.3%.
  • If we look at the performance of the main components of the portfolio: BTC(-1.4%), ETH(-4.5%), GMX(-17%), CRV(-18%), CVX(-20%), FXS(-13%)

Portfolio evolution

  • The stable coin allocation is now 65% since last month which is more than the double I had planned initially. I plan to keep that allocation that high while reinvesting most of the interest into WBTC to implement some kind of DCA while BTC is low.
  • The ETH/BTC allocation is now around 22%.
  • CRV/CVX/FXS/GMX allocation is around 8.8%. This is lower than my target of 10-15%.

Portfolio allocation

The portfolio value compared to the value invested + earnings received decreased a bit again this month.

Capital invested vs portfolio value

The portfolio performance of -1.3% this month, lower to the average monthly performance of +6.85%

Portfolio performance history


Things to look forward in January

In January, I'm looking forward to the evolution of the macro situation as usual. I'll have to decide what I do with my Curve/Convex/FXS positions which did not that well for some times. I'll also plan to reallocate most of my Osmosis tokens once they unbound. 

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Crypto/Blockchain and finance enthusiast

My token portfolio
My token portfolio

This blog tracks the evolution of my token portfolio. In includes a transparent list of apps, services, tokens, transactions I'll be doing while trying to manage this portfolio.

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