Portfolio August update - $3315 of passive crypto income

Portfolio August update - $3315 of passive crypto income

By XawPublish | My token portfolio | 2 Sep 2024

Welcome to the monthly review of my token portfolio, I started tracking this portfolio now 54 months ago in full transparency. I provide updates of the interests received, the services used and the transactions performed during the month. This post tracks what happened in August 2024.

Crypto interests

The portfolio earnings reached $3315 this month, that's a 25% increase from the previous month. The following tokens (including any kind of airdrops, mining, staking, interest rewards, browsing interest, Publish0x payments, and any kind of promo code or referee bonus) contributed to the earnings. They are ordered from the largest to the lowest contribution:

  • 2627 ARB from Merkl and Aura Finance as reward for my contributions to the tBTC/WETH, WBTC/SolvBTC, FRAX/sFRAX and wstETH/WETH liquidity pools.
  • 290 CAKE from PancakeSwap Finance as reward for my contribution to the pxETH/ETH liquidity pool.
  • 303 GHO from ACI as reward for staking some GHO.
  • 0.0039897 tBTC/DLCBTC from Merkl as reward for my contributions to the tBTC/WETH liquidity pool and from Curve Finance as reward for my contributions to the DLCBTC/WBTC liquidity pool.
  • 36 UNI from Merkl as reward for my contribution to the USDT/USDC liquidity pool on Mantle.
  • 61 BADGER from Curve Finance as reward for my contribution to the EBTC/tBTC liquidity pool on Ethereum.
  • 497 CRV from Curve Finance as reward for my contribution to the EBTC/tBTC and WBTC/tBTC liquidity pools on Ethereum.
  • 0.95 AAVE from Aave as reward for staking some AAVE and GHO.
  • 63 BAL from Aura Finance as reward for my contributions to the wstETH/WETH and FRAX/sFRAX liquidity pool on Arbitrum.
  • 0.026 ETH from GMX as staking reward for my GMX tokens.
  • 178 AURA from Aura Finance as reward for my contributions to the wstETH/WETH and FRAX/sFRAX liquidity pool on Arbitrum.
  • 1005 T from Curve Finance as reward for my contribution to the stBTC/tBTC liquidity pool on Ethereum.
  • 8 JTO from Kamino Finance as reward for my contributions to the JitoSOL/SOL liquity pool on Solana.
  • 31 STRK from Ekubo as reward for my contributions to the ETH/WBTC and DAI/USDC liquidity pools on StarkNet.
  • 8300 IOT from from my Helium access points.
  • 0.37 TIA from staking TIA.
  • 3.77 LUNA from staking LUNA
  • 0.22 ATOM as staking reward from my ATOM.
  • 0.51 IMX from Immutable as staking rewards. 
  • 0.14 CVX from Convex Finance as reward for my contribution to the WBTC/tBTC liquidity pool on Ethereum.
  • 0.68 OSMO from Osmosis as staking rewards.
  • 1.65 JUNO from staking JUNO.

The following diagram depicts the evolution of the received monthly crypto interests, annualized:

Interest history

This month, the annualized interest is 13.9% APR. The average on the last 12 month is now at 17.6% APR.

Annual interest

Regarding the interest composition, this month the sources are again more diverse: ARB(40%), CAKE(14.9%), GHO(9.2%), tBTC(7.1%) and UNI(6.1%) are the top contributors. The remaining sources are around 22.7%.

Interest composition

Transactions realized

Beginning of the month,

  • I removed the liquidity I had invested in Ekubo on Starknet as the interest rewards on this chain were becoming lower than elsewhere.
  • I invested the stable liquidity into GHO that I skaked in Aave and ACI on Ethereum for around 28% APY and in FRAX/sFRAX on Aura Finance on Arbitrum.
  • I invested the BTC liquidity in DODO in the WBTC/solvBTC, in Curve Finance in DLCBTC/WBTC and tBTC/WBTC liquidity pools.
  • A few days later, I claimed the DLCBTC rewards and moved the related liquidity in the WBTC/tBTC liquidity pool on Curve Finance as the reward/trust ratio seemed better and also some part in the tBTC/WETH liquity pool on Merkl.

Middle of the month,

  • I moved the WBTC/tBTC liquidity from Curve Finance to Sushiswap to receive the Merkl reward.
  • I claimed rewards in CRV, ARB, UNI, BADGER and Cake and converted them all in AAVE. I then staked AAVE on Aave as the token seemed to have a good momentum.
  • I removed the BTC liquidity from DODO and moved it to Sushiswap to receive the Merkl reward.
  • I claimed rewards in BAL, AURA, ARB and converted them in SOL that I send to Solana and staked in Kamino Finance in the JitoSOL/SOL liquidity pool.

End of the month,

  • I moved liquidity from the tBTC/EBTC to the stBTC/tBTC liquidity pool on Curve Finance for better yield.
  • I claimed my CRV, BADGER, UNI rewards and converted them in GNO. The idea behind that is to build progressively a small GNO position to stake in the wallet related to my GnosisPay debit card. This should enable a nice cashback on my future spending.
  • I claimed my GHO reward from ACI and staked it in Aave and ACI.

Evolution of the portfolio value

  • The portfolio finished the month with a loss of $48K which is -14.41%.
  • The performances of the main components of the portfolio were all bad: WBTC(-12.2%), ETH(-23.8%), GMX(-6.27%), SOL(-23.2%) and AAVE(+3.37%).

Portfolio evolution

  • The stable coins allocation is now 19.5%. It is a mix of GHO/USDC/USDT/FRAX/sFRAX.
  • It is now in my target range of 15-25%. I'll reinvest the monthly interest received in stable coin if the stable coin allocation is lower than the range, in non-stable coins if it is higher than the range.  

Portfolio allocation

Here is the portfolio value compared to the value invested and the interest received.

Portfolio value vs capital invested

The portfolio performance is -14.41% this month, the historical monthly average is now +4.8%.

Performance history

Things to look forward in September

August was a very bad month for crypto in general, but I think the rest of the year will be much better. AAVE seems very promising and I will continue growing my position in September to probably align it to the GMX one.

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My token portfolio
My token portfolio

This blog tracks the evolution of my token portfolio. In includes a transparent list of apps, services, tokens, transactions I'll be doing while trying to manage this portfolio.

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