How I earned 814$ of interests in September using Celsius Network, Uniswap, Aave, Brave, Credearn, and Binance

How I earned 814$ of interests in September using Celsius Network, Uniswap, Aave, Brave, Credearn, and Binance

By XawPublish | My token portfolio | 2 Oct 2020

Welcome to the monthly review of my token portfolio, it's already the 8th post where I provide an update of the interests received, the services used and the transactions performed during the month. This post tracks what happened in September.

Crypto interests received in September

I received $814 of interest (including crypto interest, browsing interest, Publish0x payments, and any kind of promo code or referee bonus) from the following sources in June:

  • 741.59 CEL from Celsius Network as interest on my BTC, ETH, CEL, DASH, USDC, USDT, LINK, SNX and 0x tokens.
  • 6.158 UNI from Uniswap as interest on my participation to the DAI/ETH liquidity pool, more on that later in the post.
  • 33.81 BAT from Aave, as interest on my BAT tokens. The BAT interest fluctuated a lot during September, I think they reached more than 50% APY for some time during the month and finished it at around 0.10%. I'm currently keeping most of my BAT in Aave but that may change if the gas fees decrease and Celsius Network interest stays at 6.95% APY.
  • 8.23 BAT from Brave from ads and referee bonus.
  • 0.05 USD from CredEarn as interest on remaining BAT.
  • 0.02 XTZ from Binance as staking rewards on my XTZ 

The following diagram depicts the evolution of the received monthly crypto interests with current crypto prices.

Monthly interests history

Transactions realized in September

  • Re-balanced my BTC and ETH to USDT and USDC during the beginning of the months as the RSI indicators decreased dangerously. To do so, I moved the tokens out to Binance and back in my Celsius Network wallet. 
  • Sold my LRC/ETH Uniswap liquidity pool to play a bit with Sushiswap and finally sold everything to USDC, the SUSHI tokens I received barely covered the gas fees...
  • Received 903 UNI tokens from the Uniswap airdrop thanks to the 2 Ethereum wallets I was using and the liquidity pools I played with before.
  • Sold the UNI tokens for ETH, moved part of the ETH into the DAI/ETH Uniswap liquidity pool to receive UNI, moved the rest into my Celsius Network wallet to receive 8.87% APY on ETH but also as SNX to receive 22% APY.
  • Re-balanced my USDT and USDC to BTC and ETH during the middle of the months as the RSI indicators improved. To do so, I moved the tokens out to Binance and back in my Celsius Network wallet.

Evolution of the portfolio value in September

The big evolution in September are:

  • Drop in prices for both ETH and BTC
  • Increase of the price of CEL token (dark blue part) during September. It started the month at $0.40 and finished the month at $1.06.
  • the big UNI airdrop

Portfolio evolution

I was happy last month to have decreased my CEL allocation to 15% and have ETH+BTC at 64%. With the prices evolution, I should have actually done the complete opposite. Anyway, CEL allocation is now back to 36.5% and ETH+BTC is at around 53%. I'll keep monitoring the evolution of prices but CEL has really a high momentum currently.


Portfolio allocation

Regarding the evolution of the portfolio value vs the capital invested, the portfolio managed to increase a bit in value during September while ETH and BTC were going lower mainly thanks to the airdrop, so a big thank you to Uniswap.

Capical invested vs porfolio value


I hope you liked this update. As usual, I'm looking forward for your feedback and advice in the comment section.

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Crypto/Blockchain and finance enthusiast

My token portfolio
My token portfolio

This blog tracks the evolution of my token portfolio. In includes a transparent list of apps, services, tokens, transactions I'll be doing while trying to manage this portfolio.

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