Tesla at an All-Time High

Happy, fun, joyful days for long-term Tesla investors like me. We suffered a lot, we were made fun of a lot, we heard inappropriate words, but as of Wednesday, Tesla returned to its All Time High value that it achieved in November 2021. We closed at $424. This means an all-time high value for Tesla. Tesla had an extraordinary rally from 2019 to November 2021. I was a Tesla investor during that rally and at the end of that rally, the stock price went from $15 to $420. Of course it was excessive, of course it went too fast. Then, due to the increase in interest rates on the one hand, competition from China on the other, and the doubts that arose about electric cars on the other, the stock started to fall. It didn't help at all that Elon Musk sold a lot of Tesla stock to buy Twitter during the journey. The stock saw $100 once and $140 once. Apart from that, it has completed its journey in the 200s on average and started a big attack in the second half of this year. As of Wednesday, it has reached All Time High again. Of course, one of the reasons is Elon Musk's great support for Trump. It is thought that this support will benefit the company in the future. I think it will, especially in overcoming the regulatory problems of autonomous vehicles, Trump's cooperation will have great benefits. If the CEO of a company is a close friend of the president of the world's most important economy, if he really played a big role in his election, it would be naive not to think that he will benefit from this to some extent.


The second reason is the advances in autonomous driving. Version 13.2 of the FSD software has been released. Users say that Tesla has completely finished the autonomous driving issue. It is said that there are a few minor issues left. Tesla engineers say that we will reach full autonomous driving in the second quarter of next year. Even if we look at it more skeptically, this work will be completed next year. The reason for this is Tesla's huge investment in artificial intelligence microchips. It is one of the largest Nvidia customers in the world. They have established an incredibly large facility. Thanks to this facility, it has become possible to process data from Tesla vehicles and move towards better autonomous driving. Videos about this are posted on Twitter every day. Tesla can solve incredible problems, this side has been taken care of. If you solve the autonomous vehicle issue, and if you can easily move forward on the regulatory side due to your political power, then you have the chance to become one of the most valuable companies in the world. Because you are coming to completely destroy the automotive sector.


Instead of buying a car, it will be possible for people to complete their journeys in the city economically, safely and effortlessly with Tesla's Cybercab vehicles. The first Tesla autonomous vehicle fleets will be launched next year. They will do this first with existing Teslas, with Model 3s and Model Ys. In 2026, mass production of Cybercabs, or strange-looking two-person taxis, will begin. They will also spread to the roads and streets. We estimate that we will start to see the first examples in California and Texas in America next year. Tesla is also progressing in humanoid robots. One of the most exciting topics for investors right now is a humanoid robot with its eyes closed, meaning its camera is off, going down a hill and going up. It moves only depending on the reaction its feet get from the ground. It has made incredible progress and when it feels like it's about to slip, it recovers from there and continues.


There is incredible progress in humanoid robots, they are currently doing small jobs in Tesla's factories. Humanoid robots will be working in mass production lines in 2025. I always say that humanoid robots will create the largest market in the world. Because think about it this way, Tesla thinks it will sell it for roughly $25,000. There will be no annual maintenance cost, except for charging. You buy yourself a slave for $25,000 and if these robots progress as fast as they are claimed, this slave will help you with everything. Because it is designed in a completely human form. Thanks to this, it can do whatever you do at work, it can do whatever you do at home. It works in the same environment as you, lives in the same environment as you, perhaps has fun in the same environment as you and helps you have fun. There are many companies and individuals in the world who will give 25,000 dollars for this. First, sales will probably be made to companies. They will use humanoid robots in difficult production areas in the production area. Then it will gradually come to homes.


I don't think the progress in the humanoid robot has yet been reflected in Tesla's stock price. But it will be reflected in the future. These days, Wall Street's super-smart fund managers are bringing one upgrade after another regarding Tesla. In other words, they are raising expectations about Tesla stocks. In fact, it was clear that this was coming. When we look at the third quarter, Tesla is one of the most purchased stocks by fund managers. The same was true for Palantir. There are definitely those who have already followed the Palantir attack. When I mentioned it in November 2022, the price was $6. As of Wednesday, it has reached $75. Fund managers have made huge purchases for Tesla stocks in the third quarter of this year. Fund managers first make purchases and then announce high expectations about the price. This is their normal habit, and we are currently seeing the results of that and these fund managers are currently pushing Tesla's price upwards.


Especially since they are celebrating their success in autonomous driving, humanoid pricing has not yet come into play. I have always said the same thing about Tesla throughout the difficult 3-year period since the fall in 2021. If you think this company is an automobile company, I said the stock is still expensive. On the other hand, if you believe that it will be successful in areas such as autonomous driving humanoid robots, I said the stock is cheap and I do not know when this belief will change on Wall Street. But I have stated that I think it will change one day. That change is happening. We are currently reaping its reward. There were those who said that China would kill Tesla. There were those who claimed that autonomous driving could never be achieved. There were those who saw Tesla stock at $80. The only time I had doubts about Tesla was when the possibility of Elon Musk leaving Tesla emerged. It was certain that Elon Musk would stay at Tesla. Other than that, I never had any doubts about Tesla at any moment. I really knew that the whole issue would come to an end and be based on autonomous driving and I was sure that Tesla's advantages in that regard were huge.


Tesla is a very volatile stock, it can sometimes experience rapid explosions and sharp pullbacks. Whenever Tesla returned to its All Time High, it passed those old All Time Highs quite a bit higher. Of course, we don't know if it will do the same this time, it is impossible to predict the stock prices. The course of the stock markets in America is interesting, to be honest. That's why I don't want to be ambitious about that, but the past tells us that Tesla will continue its upward movement from here, of course with pullbacks. Please don't take what I have told you as investment advice and go and dive right into the stock. I think Tesla is a company that will move upward. I think Tesla will become the most valuable company in the world. I believe that Tesla investors have bought a very important call option for the future. In other words, I think they have actually bought an option regarding technologies that will be successful in the future. Autonomous driving and humanoid robot issues will definitely come to life. When Tesla's know-how on the artificial intelligence side is combined with the artificial intelligence know-how developed by Elon Musk on the XAI side, maybe we will encounter new products and new services that we cannot imagine right now.

The information, comments and recommendations contained herein are not within the scope of investment consultancy. Investment consultancy services are provided within the framework of the investment consultancy agreement to be signed between brokerage firms, portfolio management companies, banks that do not accept deposits and customers. The comments in this article are only my personal comments and these comments may not be appropriate for your financial situation and risk return. For this reason, investments should not be made based on the information and comments in my articles.

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