There was some great news in the technology world that created great excitement. Google's new quantum computer chip called Willow created so much excitement that even Elon Musk, who has been in a fight with Google for a long time, congratulated Google's CEO Sundar Pichai. Open IA founder Sam Altman also said that this is a big step for humanity, a huge technological breakthrough. So what is it that excites so much? What is the feature of Willow? What is a quantum computer? We will search for the answers to all these together today. I am also really excited about the developments. We will also evaluate the issue in terms of investment. I have been a little cold towards Google for a long time regarding investment. But Tuesday's news is really exciting. Now let's come to how Willow can change the world? Why is Willow such a significant technological breakthrough? What is the number of quantum computers? Let's get into all these and then try to talk about the investment effects.
The operating logic of quantum computers is completely different from the traditional computers we use. In the computers we use, the data flow takes place with bits. A bit can be either in position 0 or position 1. In fact, we can say that what we call a microchip is a giant set of switches. There are switches on it that we call transistors. These are in the 0 or 1 position and direct the flow of data. This turns into information as we know it, into images, into everything. Quantum computers use qubits instead. The flow of data based on quantum physics with qubits can occur not as 0 or 1, but as all possibilities between 0 and 1. As you can imagine, this speeds up the flow of data tremendously. Quantum computers are important because they increase the processing speed incredibly and offer much greater opportunities than current computers in solving very complex problems. If you think about the importance of quantum mechanics in the flow of the universe, you will understand that quantum computers are needed to solve quantum mechanics. In addition, the rules of quantum physics apply to developing new molecules, understanding diseases, and biological developments. We need quantum computers in areas where there are large, complex problems with cause-effect relationships. New drug development is at the top of these fields.
On the other hand, quantum computers have two fundamental problems. One is that they require a very cold environment. If this is not the case, quantum particles can act strangely and at their own will. Those who know a little bit about quantum physics will understand what I mean. Secondly, they are not stable and therefore the data they produce is not reliable. The results provided by the data passing through particles that are constantly in motion and difficult to stabilize may not be very reliable. Willow solves this problem. By the way, I am sure that there are technical people among you who may find what I am saying too simple. You can see the detailed explanation in Google's own presentation. What is the importance of Google's newly announced Willow super chip? Willow is very fast, the first importance comes from this. It can solve problems that can only be solved in 10 septillion years on normal computers in 5 minutes. 10 septillion years means add exactly 25 zeros to the end of 1 and that is how many years. It dates back before the creation of the universe. In other words, I am talking about an incredibly long time to calculate and understand.
But the real big development is that Google claims to be able to do this reliably. They claim that stability in Willow computers can last 5 times longer than in old computers. This is of course a very important development. Because when there was no stability, we could not trust the data, remember. They say it solved that. This is the exciting subject. Because then it becomes possible to use quantum computers in real-life problems. We encounter reliable solutions. In fact, errors can also occur in the current computer technologies we use. However, there are error correction mechanisms in these computers. Google says that we have established error detection and correction mechanisms in the new Willow chips we have developed and that these inventions have reduced the error rate of quantum computers below a threshold that has long been considered insurmountable. This makes these computers usable in solving some real-life problems. In this context, experts on the subject say that Willow is not just a faster chip, but a giant invention that will change the course of humanity and take us to a new stage where we can solve quantum problems.
Because thanks to this invention, we can now add more qubits. For example, this is basically what Nvidia is doing in GPUs right now. It has made the transistors so small and found such innovative ways to connect them effectively that we have gained incredibly large processing power. This is actually the basis of the CPU. Here, we will be able to connect more qubits on a chip. Because there is stability, and in the old quantum computers, this stability could not be provided, so a small number of qubits could work together. In traditional microchips, processing power has doubled every 18 months for the last 60 years. While chips have become smaller, their costs have also decreased. The chips that Nvidia is currently producing are the pinnacle of this work, and perhaps now Google's new quantum chip, Willow, will carry a similar exponential growth trend to quantum computers. This is of course a very exciting development. Super-complex problems that have never been solved before may be solved. Imagine this combined with artificial intelligence. Then even more exciting days await us. Quantum computers are amazing at modeling materials at the microscopic level. Therefore, it seems certain that there will be revolutions in the field of drug development. It will be possible to develop much faster, much more specific and focused drugs. The costs will decrease in these. Testing will become easier. This is one of the most exciting areas.
On the other hand, of course, there are risks associated with quantum computers. Bitcoiners are concerned about this issue, as are cryptographers. Because bitcoin and other cryptos have cryptographic features that are said to be indestructible and unbreakable. Quantum computers may pose a threat to this. A study conducted in 1996 supports these concerns. The basis of all modern encryption systems, including Bitcoin, is the development of very complex mathematical models that are necessary to retrieve and find the answer. To give an example, when I say multiply 3 and 5, it is very easy to find the solution, 15. However, if I say find the two prime numbers that make up 15, the solution is more difficult. Bitcoin Encryption is basically based on this logic, the difficulty of solving backwards. It was claimed in the research that quantum computers could easily overcome this problem. However, this is a problem we have known for a long time and new cryptography models are being developed. So I don't think there is any need to panic. A solution to this will also come in Bitcoin.
What excites me more is the statements of Google's vice president of engineering, Hartmut Neven. He says that thanks to these new chips, we no longer need to wait decades to solve real-life problems. We think we can do this much faster. Quantum computers will find practical applications in the next few years. Google's shares rose with this news. I have been saying for a long time that Google stocks are cheap. In that context, the stock market used Tuesday's news as an excuse and sent the stock up. No one is worried about Google having good engineers. I am not worried either. Google is one of the companies that provides the best conditions for engineers in the United States. That is why it is a place where many engineers want to work. The bigger problem with Google is whether it has the ability to commercialize them. Because the current CEO Sundar Pichai is not a founder, that is, he is not an Elon Musk or a Jeff Bezos. He is someone who joined the company as a civil servant and later became the CEO, and the biggest criticism about Google for a long time is that many technologies are developed but it has difficulty turning them into money.
Gemini is one example of this. Google's autonomous driving project Waymo is one example of this. It is very difficult to predict whether the same thing will happen to Willow. It is also certain that Willow will have a few more years to become commercial, but Google has great engineers and is very likely to introduce us to brand new technologies. Whether these will turn into commercial success and how the stock will be affected is of course a completely different topic of discussion. I am not touching Google stock for now, this is not investment advice. Google also rose well on Tuesday, and if developments in quantum computing and other areas convince investors, it is quite possible that Google stock, which is relatively cheap compared to the other big six technology companies, will move upwards.
We are faced with a very exciting technology. This is the main issue; perhaps we are on the verge of a technological breakthrough that will radically change life and leave a better world for our children, such as solving the secrets of the universe, solving the secrets of man, solving biological complexities, developing brand new molecules. Perhaps we came across such a discovery on Tuesday.
The information, comments and recommendations contained herein are not within the scope of investment consultancy. Investment consultancy services are provided within the framework of the investment consultancy agreement to be signed between brokerage firms, portfolio management companies, banks that do not accept deposits and customers. The comments in this article are only my personal comments and these comments may not be appropriate for your financial situation and risk return. For this reason, investments should not be made based on the information and comments in my articles.