The Sunny Beach & A New Step toward Freedom

By Melina Mehr | My cycling experiences | 24 Apr 2023


The Sunny Beach & A New Step toward Freedom

I'm not gonna lie, it's a bit scary not putting on Hijab, the mandatory scarf that society has been used to for more than 40 years.


People stare, mostly because they all know the war has begun. Eyes are looking for Hijabless women and their hair is revealed. Some admire you, some on the other hand, their eyes only scold and curse.


What a dark and dreadful struggle sometimes, yet a fantastic sensation other times.

The Sunny Beach & A New Step toward Freedom


The population has been trapped in a scary dark pit for almost a half-century. The religious government in Iran is a reminder of the dark ages in Europe. When the church was the ultimate ruler & no one dared question the voice of God.


Needless to say, it had it's run already, most people are sick of it and it must be dismantled immediately.


I went cycling by the beach the day before yesterday and took these pictures. My friends were reluctant to share my Hijabless photos, why to stir up trouble, they growled.


Be that as it may, it is how it's going to be from now on. Any chance I get, I'll become more and more brazen. That is the only way to succeed.

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Melina Mehr
Melina Mehr

I'm a freelance writer, passionate about, music, books and nature.

My cycling experiences
My cycling experiences

When I go riding on my bike, the world around me becomes exciting and so elegant all at once, so despite the shortcomings, disasters and horrors… I embrace it. I know it is not just me having these feelings, but I’m definitely another nature lover looking for unanswered questions in an extraordinary manner as well. I cherish the pictures caught by my camera and the ones remained forever in my essence.

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