Gods Unchained

I completed the $20 ETH Quests in the Gods Unchained game

By LoveCrypto | My CryptoEducation | 9 Mar 2021

Quests Completed

Whew! Took a bit of work, but I definitely feel like I earned this. I completed the Stay. Play. Get Paid. Quests in the Gods Unchained free to play online game. It took a bit of work because you have to learn the game and win 7 times. Many of the players I came across were really good at the game, even with the ranking system in place it was a challenge. But as I played, watched their strategies, and began to learn the game rules I finally started winning more advanced players. I am definitely hooked on this game!

Stay, Play, Get Paid

I am still exploring the custom forged cards and the marketplace, so do not have much feedback on that aspect yet. But it appears you can use some of the energy, called FLUX, to create blockchain based NFT cards that can be owned, traded, and sold in their marketplace!

Here is a link to information on how you can earn the $20 ETH for trying out their game.

Gods Unchained

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My CryptoEducation
My CryptoEducation

For this blog I will be journaling my observations, thoughts, and experiences on my educational journey through this wild and crazy crypto land. I will review the sites I have experimented on, review some of the games I play (I am particularly fascinated with NFT's within games), and share some of the strategies I am trying.

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