Best Crypto Faucets

By Nuneron | Best Crypto sites | 16 May 2022

Hello to all readers,

As a newcomer, it wasn't easy making my first steps into the cryptocurrency world. Already the jump from physical to virtual currency was not a simple one, but then I remembered all currency is really virtual currency since we don't have the gold to back any of the big Fiat currencies. So why shouldn't I have more faith in cryptocurrency. 

A lot of research is required before diving safely into this brave new world. So, do your own research and remember that all information in here in solely based on my experience and I am only expressing my own opinions in the hope it might hep others.


Today's topic is crypto faucets. This will be a short article as most faucet sites I've tried so far are either scams or pay way too little. But there are a few who can be worth your time if you have a lot of free time.


The best one I've been using so far is CoinPayU ( referral: ). A simple faucet with several earning options, the more interesting two are the faucet and the and viewing adds. In the faucet, you have many choices of coins and can claim up to 4, ( more if you upgrade but that implies paying), you can then either swap the coins between them and withdraw more of one, or withdraw several coins ( only 1 withdraw allowed every 3 days), directly to your wallet.

The viewing add part works like every other and pays in average 2 satoshis per 20s add, new adds appear during the day. Once you've cumulated enough satoshis you can withdraw them in the crypto you want, that they offer, directly to your wallet.


Otherwise there is Mixfaucet and Kiddyearner who really pay but the amounts are too low for the invested time. Mixfaucet can be interesting as is has many earning options but you need to go there everyday for it to be interesting.  Kiddyearner pays to Coinbase or Faucetpay. to Coinbase only in shib and you can get like 500 shib if you claim the faucet enough.


These are the only worthy facet sites for the computer I have found so far, I will spare you the 30 or so scam or fake sites I've encountered, as it would take to long, but I will leave you with this advise: If the site or game claims you can earn more that 10$ a day on it, its fake or a scam and it won't pay and if the minimum withdrawal amount is too high, its most likely a scam too.


Stay safe and keep faith in crypto, the market will get better as soon as enough people have faith in it ;)


Take care and thanks for reading



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