Today the world became a better place

Hello humans

Today we made the world a better place, I will show you how. 

This article has 1 referral link, standard link in the bottom!

You know sites and places where you can claim each 24 hours? It sounds good on the paper, you login once a day, claim your reward and then live your life like nothing is wrong in the world?

Well you are wrong, 24 hour claims are the spawn of devil without you knowing about it. Even if you start to claim 08:00 in the morning it means the next day you will be delayed 10-30 seconds, probably minutes, even if you put an alarm, everyday during what can be days, months, years(?) you find yourself claim later and later, your routine and your daily schedule is taking a toll, what used to be 08:00 is now 08:14, then its 10:37, 15:58, until the unevitable... its a new day or you have to sleep before you can claim, you lost your streak, you prolly lost a majestic income of $0.003, and during the time until this you fucked  up your daily rhytm and schedule. 

Well I asked in a discord for this, It was mainly made in a humorous way - like this post, but I got quick response, and not only response... ACTION!

See attached 2 pictures, its a success story, today the world became a better place. 

The site where you now can claim each 23! hours is - make sure to claim from the brave browser for a juice bonus! 



For non ref link:

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I am a longtime gamer and been interested in Stock daytrading since I was a kid, new to cryptocurrency tho and hopefully not to late! I both invest, daytrade and grind faucets/surveys for satochis!

My adventures in cryptocurencies as a newbie
My adventures in cryptocurencies as a newbie

Hello everyone, I am coming from the gaming industry where ive been competing in video games and also being a partnered streamer over at Twitch. I just recently discovered cryptocurrencies and I LOVE to grind, here I will write some of my experiences, not all of them will be good ofc! but thats how you learn =)

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