
The Most Expensive Guitars Ever Sold

By Smilies | Music World | 25 Nov 2022

If you are a musician or into guitars, you probably know that they are not cheap. Specially brand new electric guitars can cost anywhere form $100 to $50,000. Now imagine how expensive these guitars will be if they were played by the greatest musicians that ever existed like Jimi Hendrix, David Gilmour and Kurt Cobain, their prices will skyrocket.

On this article I have ranked some of the most expensive guitars that were ever sold in the world.

#10. $1,095,000 - David Gilmour's Martin D-35

#9. $1,250,000 - Duane Allman's 1957 Gibson Les Paul

#8. $1,815,000 - David Gilmour's 1954 Fender Stratocaster

#7. $1,900,000 - Jerry Garcia's "Wolf"

#6. $2,000,000 - Jimi Hendrix's 1968 Fender Stratocaster

#5. $2,410,000 - John Lennon's Gibson J160E

#4. $2,700,000 - Reach Out to Asia Fender Stratocaster

#3. $3,975,000 - David Gilmour's Black Fender Stratocaster

#2. $4,550,000 - Kurt Cobain’s Smells Like Teen Spirit Fender Mustang

#1. $6,010,000 - Kurt Cobain's Martin D-18E


It is shocking how much some people will spend on guitars that were once owned by great artists but to be honest I would spend as much on Jimi Hendrix's guitar if I had the money.... maybe one day ;)

How about you?..... Would you spend as much?

Let me Know in the comment section.

Here is one of my favorite Jimi Hendrix's song, hope you enjoy it.

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I love music. I use to be a DJ and now I'm Just writing about music.

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