Weekend Gold Bids And Other TidBits

By ArmFarm | Murchison Farm | 20 Jun 2021

I would like to share several points in this short post. The first being proof that collaborates my last post concerning Precious Metals. All of the Fair Barkers -- that is what we used to call the people(who at the Fairs and Circuses of older days) stood outside of attractions, with their pitches to draw "The Marks" in(and separate them from their money) -- are calling for valueless Gold and Other Precious Metals. You would not be reading this post, without these valueless metals - which are a required component of  computers and our phones. So, lets step away from the propaganda of Crowd Control(Falling Spot Prices), and look at what people are paying in The Real World. Below are some examples of actual auctions :


  OutBid Notice Dear Anthony Murchison: This email is to notify you that you have been outbid on an item. The bid details are below:   Listing ID: 14740886 Item Number: 9600-R3-C6-B5 Item Name: 2013 1/20th oz 999 Gold 20 yn China Panda NGC MS 70 (006) Your Bid: $112.15 Current Winning Bid: $115.15 Payment Source*: MasterCard, ...6100 Auction Close Date: 06/19/2021 09:51 PM

Well, the math is pretty simple and straight forward. 1/20th oz of Gold = 20x$115+shipping($7.99). At this rate, old is selling for approx. $2400/oz!

Next example:

1990 1/2 oz Fine Gold Eagle $25 Proof Coin (009)

  • 19:51  
  • US $1,021.06

I lost interest when this coin's bid reached this level. Again the Real World Price is over $2000/oz, and that is if this was the winning bid! With almost 20 minutes left, the bids could easily have risen much higher. 

Spot Price(at this very moment) is just under $1,770/oz. That is $250 to $800/oz less than i am watching people actually pay for these bullion coins.

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A Follower of Christ, Champion of Freedom and Human Rights

Murchison Farm
Murchison Farm

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