Update to Brand New Horizon!

By ArmFarm | Murchison Farm | 13 Jun 2019

Hello Everyone!

I hope you have been following my Blog and are familuar with the project, we have initiated, called Brand New Horizon. If you have not, then I suggest that you follow me and search for the posts titled Brand New Horizon and all of the posts associated with it!

We are in Phase I, part I, goal I. Our first goal is to raise finances to get this ball rolling! We are now looking for Blockchain/Crypto knowledgeable team members to get Our Crypto maped out and into the works! If you are experienced and knowledgeable in the area of creating and launching Crypto, and You would like to become an improtant member, in the endevor of this Vision, please contact me as soon as possible! We need to organize our Crypto team an get our Security in place. WE then need to create our white paper and map out our plans!

Brand New Horizon is a project dedicated to rewarding those involved in its fullfillment and the betterment of Mankins condition! PLease become involved, in anyway you feel you can contribute, and help us fulfill this Vision! If you would like to contribute, even a tiny fraction of Crypto, please follow me on Minds and read my Blog there! I have a post that list some of the addresses where you can contribute to this Worthy Cause! Just follow this link : https://www.minds.com/register?referrer=murchisonfarm I publish as murchisonfarm on Minds.

Thank you for your time, attention, and interest! If you find a connection to any of my posts, please follow my blogs! 


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A Follower of Christ, Champion of Freedom and Human Rights

Murchison Farm
Murchison Farm

59+ years of life and more abundantly.

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