If You know me, You Know one of my goas is to avoid sharing links, that may prove to be scams( or somehow harmful) I only share links that I have investigated, tried, and tested. I may, or may not receive a referral reward, but that is not my primary reason for sharing these links. My primary reason is that these sites have proven beneficial for me, and I see where they can be beneficial for You - and they can help improve both of Our Financial Situations!
If you read my blog, you know that i often create an account with opportunites that appear promising and legitimate. It is not uncommon for me to allow these accounths to remain dormant for considerable lengths of time, sometimes with a small balance invested - someimes not, to see if they survive the test of time.
Robinhood is one such example. I believe it was probably sometime last year that i followed somone's referral link and created my free account. I did not link any of my financial accounts, or take any other actions - that is until this morning. After becomming comfortable and confident with Robinhood, I linked one of my bank accounts. After such a long waiting period, i was not expecting to still remain eligable for the free stock incentive. But, to my surprise, it was still valid.
Within 5 minutes, my account was brought current, funded, and I received my Free Stock incentive. 1 Share of Apple - worth justh under $150!!!! NO Purchase Necessary! WOWSA! To Add even more potential and power, to this account, I set up a small monthly investment into COINBASE. The besth of both worlds - Stock and Crypto!!! Another Wealth Building Tool added to the arsenal!
Among the powerful features and benefits, that are found on Robinhood, is Comission FREE Crypto Purchases!
If you don't have an account with Robinhood, I highly recommend following this link and setting up your account today! LInk a funding account, and get Your Free Stock Today!
To get $30 free, follow this link - or copy this link to your search line, and follow a few simple instructihons = https://www.rakuten.com/r/ANTHON46611?eeid=28187
If you would like to receive $5 Free BitCoin(simply for signing up), and get Free BitCoin back on your purchases, simply follow this link - or copy this link to your search line, and create your Free Lolli Account = https://lolli.com/share/DBSSRD
If You would like to earn Free BitCoin for Playing Games and completging other Online Thasks, from Tried, Tested, and Proven Sites - follow these links to Create Your Free Accounts =
To Create Your Free Account with Coinbase( One of the Strongest and Most Established ), and get $10 Free BitCoin - please accept my invitation and follow this link =
Last, but Certainly Not Least - A Tried, Tested, and Proven Source for a Legitimate 7%+ return on investment. Not to mention Compounded Daily. A Great Site to park some CryptoCurrencies - and watch their numbers grow. = https://stakecube.net/?team=Murchisonfarm
These are not all the links, that i feel safe in sharing, but they are Certainly Powerful Ways to Add Income to Your Online Activities!
Thank You for Your Time, Attention, and Interest!
I hope these opportunities prove a blessing in Your Life!