Hello Everyone!
Today is Saturday, the 7th day of the week. Today is God's Holy Sabbath! Today is the day that God declared as a day of Worship and of rest! No where in the Bible does it say to observe the Sabbath on Sunday! Jesus Christ observed the 7th day as the Sabbath! According to the Bible, He never said to change the Sabbath to Sunday! The official day of Worship and Praise was changed by a religious organazation, in Midevil Europe! Be not deceived by the enemy!
It is ok to worship God on Sunday. In fact we should Worship Him and Pray to Him every day. With that being said, God requires us to Observe His Sabbath on the day he has declaired!
May God Bless you! May he pour His Mercy and Love into Your life!
Prais You Heavenly Father, Lord Jesus, and Holy Spirit!