The Lord God Most High!

By ArmFarm | Murchison Farm | 17 Jul 2021

We come before You, Lord God our Mighty Creator! We Worship You, on this Day - Your Holy Sabbath!

Lord, I come before You with a Grateful Heart! I give You thanks for all that You provide me! The Blessings, You provide, bountiful beyond count! I Praise You for the Love you have put into my heart, and for the Mighty Love you show for me. You are the source of all good things in my life! I give You my life in return. I give you my victories and my defeats. i give you my good and my mistakes. I give You each and every breath I take, in recognition that you provide that very breath for me! Holy Spirit Lead me, that I may do the will of my Savior, Lord,, and King Jesus!

Lord God, i pray that Your will be done above mine, in all things!

Beautiful and Inspiring Music can be found here!


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A Follower of Christ, Champion of Freedom and Human Rights

Murchison Farm
Murchison Farm

59+ years of life and more abundantly.

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