Hello everyone! Maybe you have read one of my post by now. I certainly hope you have and I certainly hope you are reading this one!
I have observed several posts now that exhib the sighns of most likely being a lead into a scam. I don't want to go into names, right now, but I had higher hopes that the editors would not allow this to happen. Hopefully they have just honestly missed these posts! I certainly want to give them the benefit of the doubt! It appears that there are certain Authors here, who are promoting some things that are too good to be true! If you are savvy to the crypto world and you have been paying attention, You most likely are aware of what I am speaking about!
Now, I will hesitate to continue to promote Publish0x due to my feelings of responsability to those who may follow me.
For Your benefit, my fellow members, Remember - if it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is!!!