Self Examination

By ArmFarm | Murchison Farm | 19 Jun 2021

Does Fear feed upon your soul?

Some of these questions may be very difficult to answer. Not so much because of our intelligence or knowledge, but because many can not find the strength to search deeply within themselves, with honesty and unbiased sincerity. 

Are You aware of both the Physical and Spiritual complexity of Reality. 

Have you become something so deeply bedded down in Negativity, that you would do the beck and call of demonic forces? Just because your hubris has led you to deny the existence of God, does not make Him any less than Reality. In fact, He is the Creator of Everything. His Creation is so Tremendously Vast. If this paragraph is reflective of the tiny, short, limited lifespan, that you are killing time with, It will not be such a long time before you awaken to an eternity of Damnation. 

Are You in a love/hate relationship with yourself. Are you a slave to the whims of your physical/mental lusts and desires. Do you enjoy something so deeply, that you know it is unnatural, unhealthy, sinful, evil, and shameful, that you feel a powerful need to force others to accept your transgressions -and furthermore join you in celebration of your failures?

Are you so miserable, that you go around seeking fault with others, in order to deflect your own faults.  Is it possible because you know of your wrongness, and try to escape your own conscience.

Perhaps we have no desire to do certain things, but beyond our own understanding - we continue to do them anyway.

Time to grow up and face Facts. Unless You are of The Son of God, and He takes you up to meet Him upon His return, All Humans will Experience Death. What will you do when You awaken to All of Eternity, and find Yourself in front of Our Creator - as He Judges Your Life?

The following link leads to some very Beautiful Music. Join us as you step beyond the physical/mental, and into the Spiritual.


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A Follower of Christ, Champion of Freedom and Human Rights

Murchison Farm
Murchison Farm

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