Hello everyone! Hope you are having a great day.
Personally I have run into an issue with MetaMask. Yestereday I was able to set up an ETH wallet and I was able to add HYDRO, but unable to add BNTY. I can live with that right now. Everything seem good and I felt pretty confident, but I did not transfer any coin into it yet. I have learned to be very cautious with wallets, as all of my past experience with them turned out to be scams. A staff member of Publish0x provided me with a link that led to MetaMask so I felt somewhat confident is setting up a wallet there.
Today I am trying to access my MetaMask accouunt and it is asking for a password. So good so farm. I have written down my password and my secret backup phraise. I remember my password, for Metamask, because it is unique for me. When I entered the password, it says that the password is incorrect. Feeling that maybe I had made a mistake I looked up my password and the one I remembered is correct. I tried it again and no success. Thinking that maybe I had mistyped somewhere I tried several possible other combinations. No luck. Then I used my phraise to restore and it asked to set the password. I used the same password that I originally used, and then restored the account. I brought up MetaMask again and entered the password that I am sure I entered for the new password. I still get the message that the pasword is incorrect.
Has anyone else had this problem? If so, please share your solution! The only other things I can think to do is recover the account and try a new password, but, now I am somewhat doubtful that will work.
Thank you for your time and interest! I look forward to any comments or suggestions!