In Socialism/Communism there is only One Loyalty - Loyalty to The State. It is very common for family members to spy, and inform upon one another. Even high Ranking officials can find themselves unwillingly sacraficed, for the good of the party!
This is apparant in todays actions of the Fake Stream Media, as they portray extreme Criticism of Biden's Disasterous Pull Out from Afganastan!
The fact of the matter is that almost all of Bidens actions and policies are proving to be failures, at the best, and much more often - extremely destructive to The United States and It's Citizens! As with all other Socialist/Communist Governments, most of this is covered up(or down played) by the Fake Stream Media Propaganda Machine. I don't have the time, neither the energy to start detailing all of the massive failures. I leave that up to you. Do some research beyond the Socialist/Commuist propaganda machine of Google, Facebook, the Fake Stream Media, and the other channels of misinformation! Use Your Common Sense, Your Observations of Your Surroundings, and Dig into Unbiased Sources of Real Information!
You are entitled to Your Opinion, as are we all.
With that being said, I am convinced that my next statement is Fact, not opinion! What I am about to say is fromed from witnessing a preponderance of evidence - during the event! I was even banned from fbook because I shared live feeds, witness statements, and many other cases of evidence - which all clearly pointed to Election Fraud. Once You have seen so much Illegal Behavior, You cannot simply Unsee it!
Thus, If Future Generations are allowed to see all of the Evidence - It will become Clear that Biden's Presidency is a Fraud. I am sure there are still many who will dissagree with me, but that is because they choose to blindly support the Fraudulent Outcome. This is the result of their personal dislike of President Trump, their support of Socialism/Communism, their lack of knowledge, their willingness to believe what they are told by the Propaganda machine, or some other type of Deception.
There, it needs to be said. Hopefully, it may awaken someone who has been deceived, up until this point!