Old Time Coder.

By ArmFarm | Murchison Farm | 28 Apr 2019

Hello again everyone! This post is dedicated to sharing a little computer knowledge, as an end user, with those who aren't computer savy. I have been on both sides of the coin. Some of my favorite computers are ones that I built from the motherboard up. I'm not trying to brag, but, I was on the internet before the majority of internet users even heard of it. In fact I would even say that I was doing the internet before most internet users, today, were even born! Some of my early experience was inputting Assembly by punch card. Then programming from a command line prompt. I have to wonder how many internet users, today, have even heard of those terms? Anyway enough about me for now.dver

I will share these tips and suggestions for the computer user of today. First of all I want to share the new Browser, that people are starting to talk about, Brave. It is a very powerful system when it comes to your security! It blocks adds and tracking files and all the secretive files they are associated with! That is a lot to say. No other Browser can hold a candle to it, that I am aware of. Using Brave, you don't have to be concerned with someone recording every little thing that you do on your computer, taking advantage of you, and selling all of your information. In fact you get to choose which advertisments you want to look at, and you get paid, not someone else! In fact your get paid with BAT(Bsic Attention Token) for watching advertisements that you choose.

Now for a little advice that comes from decades of computer experience. Delete your old browser, whether it be Chrome, Firefox, or what ever. One of the best ways to do this is to use Revo Uninstaller. It is free at RevoUninstaller.com. This uninstaller digs deep and removes hidden and tucked away files and folders. Even though I have seen people advising that you import bookmarks, etc... from your old browser, I advise against it. If someone is determined they can easily attach access points to those files that will travel with them if imported. In order to maintain the most secure environment, I strongly suggest that your just start over and manually input anything you want in your new pristine secure Browser - Brave. That leaves no room for invasive files from your past.

If you are interested in seeing and removing the tracking files, on your computer, I suggest CCCleaner. It also has a free version which is located at CCCLeaner.com. Try using it for a little while, with your old browser, and see how many tracking files are injected into your system. Then try it after you have installed Brave! Not all tracking files come through your Browser, so you may not see the number go to zero. Mine droped from thousands of the invasive vermin down to a very low number.

I hope some find this little tid-bit interesting and helpful! I have shared with you. If you find this good info, please share with others.


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Murchison Farm
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