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Looking For Your Help

By ArmFarm | Murchison Farm | 23 Sep 2021

I have reached a point where i am considering the purchase of a Hardware Wallet. Since most of my Crypto is stored on Secure Sites, i really don't want to invest much money in this purcase. I have seen them advertised before, but they were always priced out of my budget. The incident, that stirred my interest, came from a PTC on Cointiply today.  This is the Wallet I saw advertised

Prokey Optimum

The Prokey Optimum is a secure, easy-to-use cryptocurrency hardware wallet that protects your crypto assets from online and offline attacks, while also supporting a wide range of cryptocurrencies without installing any application, letting you enjoy an all-in-one web-based wallet.T

This particular unit is priced under $70.

If you have any experience with and/or knowledge of Hardware wallets - I would greatly appreciate Your comments! 

Thanks for Your Time, Attention, and Interest!


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Murchison Farm
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