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By ArmFarm | Murchison Farm | 20 Jul 2021

How Criminals hate to be exposed!

I just published a post earlier, where I shared some of the common email scam types, along with important information concerning them. Earlier today, I had an experience with a form of Intrusive email, that I haven't seen in a very long time. One of the most Dangerous Types. This Type automatically compromises you system by Simply Opening The Email! You do not have to open any links or take any other type of action! I thought I had taken care of the problem. That was earlier today.

Obviously, one of thhe rare types of criminals - some that actually posses a little intelligence - has taken offense to my efforts in exposing these email scams. Even though I though I thought i had secured from the security breach - I had not. A short time after publishing my post, I was forced to remove it. The criminals were using it to compromise my readers' systems. I am currently on my Chromebook system. I am not nearly as knowledgeable or experienced as when utalizing a Windows System. Otherwise I would have been knowledgeable and aware of this sinister attack, before publishing the compromised post. I do deeply apologize for any problems this may have caused any of my readers. Please do not hold hard feelings for this mistake! Please do Remember it is the criminal element that is responsible!!!

On the positive side, they have inadvertently exposed their identity and location. More powerful actions can now be deployed against them. Ever full of their own ego, they have once again shown their lack of true intelligence. 

I am fairly confident that i have now secured my system, for the present at least, but i will keep this post short and sweet... Just remember when it comes to emails - simply delete when in question! When the criminal posses enough technology and computer knowledge - they can create emails that infect your computer SIMPLY BY OPENING THAT EMAIL!!!!!!

Until I am  100%Certain that all traces of this corruption are removed, or neutralized, this will be my last post. 

REMEMBER - NO SCAM EMAIL IS WORTH OPENING!!!!! Don't Let Your Currosity Kill Your Computer!



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Murchison Farm
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