Introduction of Bonnie Blue.

By ArmFarm | Murchison Farm | 16 May 2019

Hello Everyone! I hope you have had an awesome day!

Today I would like to introduce you to Bonnie Blue! And of course this is her in the photograph. She is around a year and a half old. Her mama was a Blue Heeler and her father was a Chihuahua. Imagine that, what a combination! She is very outgoing and very friendly. She loves people, especially children, and other animals! People often mistake her for a Jack Russel.

I have had quite a few dogs, in my lifetime. Bonnie is in the top 2 most intelligent pups. The other genius was a Great Pyrenees named Skip.

Bonnie can be an extremely fast and active girl as well as hanging out on my dash playing Bonnie bobble head.Lol! She is cute and adorable! For some reason, Bonnie Blue especially loves herself a Bulldog! Dont ask me why, but she has a special place in her heart for them.

Come camping on Murchison Farm and meet Bonnie Blue! Be sure to bring your pet to enjoy the farm and Bonnie! You can go to my Youtube Channel, Anthony Murchison, and watch videos of her and Buster Blue at play. Please subscribe and watch all of my videos. You can also find Bonnie Blue on our Facebook page, Murchison Farm. Finally, if you would like to send me a friend request, on Facebook, I also have many photos and videos of her there as well as others.

If you enjoy my posts, please follow my blog. If you would like to come camping, we are offering a 50% discount to Publish0x members, for the rest of May and all of June. You can go to, a site that brings good campers to good campsites, and book your reservation. Please be sure to enter the promo code, MurchisonFarm-ALPHA, to get your discount!

Thank you so much for your time and interest!



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Murchison Farm
Murchison Farm

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