Introducing Buster Blue.

By ArmFarm | Murchison Farm | 17 May 2019

Hello Everyone! May the Lord Jesus Christ touch and bless your life today!

Previously, I introduced Bonnie Blue. Today i want to introduce you to my huge puppy, Buster Blue. His mama is a Blue Catahoula and his daddy is a Red Nose Pit Bull. He should be an awesome addition to our home security! 

Buster and Bonnie love to play together. They have several games they have developed. Among these games are what i call Doggie Football and Tag. In the football game, one of them will pick up a stick and bring it to the other dog and start dancing around. At that point they start running around stealing the stick from each other. This can go on for quite some time.

In the Tag game, they will start off rough housing with each other. At some certain point, one of them will take off running, and the other will persue untill he or she tackles the other. At that point, they will reverse rolls. They are very entertaining to watch in all of their games!

If you go to my YouTube channel, you can watch some neat videos of them. They are also found on Facebook at Anthony Murchison and Murchison Farm.

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A Follower of Christ, Champion of Freedom and Human Rights

Murchison Farm
Murchison Farm

59+ years of life and more abundantly.

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