I am not Jewish - neither am i Seventh-Day Adventist.

By ArmFarm | Murchison Farm | 19 Jun 2021

In fact i am not religious at all. I am a Spiritual Child of God, through My Lord Jesus Christ! Until You have opened your life unto Jesus, and asked him to take control, you may not be able to clearly see the difference. 

Today, at sundown, starts the period that Our Holy Father has declared as His Holy Sabbath. That is spoken in Holy Scripture. It is also revealed in discernment from The Holy Ghost. The enemy does not want You to Worship God, as God has proclaimed! In order to spread confusion and Spiritual Death, the enemy has opposed this for a very long time. In recent years, they have even gone so far as to teach, the younger generations, that  Monday as the first day of the week. Always prior to now, we have recognized Sunday as the First day of the week. We have grown up knowing that Saturday  is the 7th day of each week.

Some may perceive these post as poor content, or unworthy of the privilege to post. I assure you this not the reality of The Spiritual/Phylical world we live in!

I have prayed, and meditated, concerning my post with these links, and I know they can be a powerful catalyst, for those seeking God. So at the personal risk of having my post censured, I will continue to do so on The Holy Sabbath. Even now, my ability to include hashtags, is still disabled on my account.

For The Warriors of Christ, the following is a Message of Strength!



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A Follower of Christ, Champion of Freedom and Human Rights

Murchison Farm
Murchison Farm

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