Today is the 7th day of the week. Today is God's Holy Sabbasth!
Lord God, we come to You on this day, Your Holy Sabbath, with Praise and Worship in our hearts! You have created Heaven, Earth, and all that is in them! You are crator of all things, both physical and spiritual! All Honor, Glory, Praise, and Worship be unto You!
Thank you for the precious gift of Your Son, Jesus Christ, that we may have life and more abundantly! Through Jesus is found Eternal life! Jesus Christ, King of all Kings and Lord of all Lords!
Guide us through the comming week! Let your Love and Mercy shine into the lives of all who Love You! Open the hearts and minds of all the unbeleivers that they may know Jesus! Let your will be done through Us that Your Enemies may tremble and fear. Lead them to seek Your Mercy and Goodness!
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!