I come before You Holy God, on this seventh day that You have declaired as Your Holy Sabbath. I worship You and give all Praise, Honor, and Glory unto You!
I thank You for all the many Blessings You provide in my Life! My heart is Greatful for the Healing, Mercy, and Power of Your Love! My cup runnith over with more blessings than i can count! I pray for forgiveness of my tresspasses, inequites, and sins, as I forgive those who tresspass against me. May Your Will done in my life! Holy Spirit, lead me, guide me, protect me, and shild me in all that I think, say, and do!
In the Precious and Holy Name of Jesus I Pray! Amen!
I Testify that God is Very Real and I See the results of His presence in my life, on a Daily Basis! If ou doubt of God, or if You feel that You are beyond hope - There is Salvation and Redemption to be found! Follow these links with an open heart and mind. Be Reborn and step into a new life!