Hello Everyone! I hope you have a Blessed and Prosperous day1
This is what I think. I think that the BitCoin prices are being manipulated. I think that those who hold large numbers of BitCoin, play the market so that prices climb higher and they can take a profit. When the prices drop low enough, they buy back the BitCoins they just sold at the higher Prices. I also believe that the low BicCoin prices are artificial. I have done much research and I know that there is a high enough level of Acceptance to support much higher Prices than we are seeing. That is why I have started buying small chunks of BitCoin, again, for the Hold! I do not see BitCoin prices ever dropping back to the $3k or $3500 range! If it does, I will borrow money to buy!
Once people become aware of the myrid opportunities, where you can use BitCoin to purchase at a discount, the price will begin to climb in an ever increasing pattern!
Of course I am no professional financial adviser and do not want you to think that I am portraying myself as such! With that said I have gained much knowledge and experience during my many years. I have begun my program of buying BitCoin and am determined to reach my goals of owning at least 4 BitCoin. My only regret is not borrowing the money and purchasing at the $3500 price!
It is now time for me, and probably you, to start purchasing BitCoin for the Hold!
Thank you for your time and attention!