Featured Treasure of The Day

By ArmFarm | Murchison Farm | 5 Aug 2021

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Please be sure and mention this Special Discount, when you place your bid on eBay. This Customer Appreciation event will remain in effect until this item is sold. Only Customers who respond from this post, are eligable for this Special Shipping Discount. Please be sure to mention the phrase  "Featured Treasures of The Day - Customer Appreciation! 

Keep an eye open, for featured Sales - exclusive to Pub0x readers!

1974-S Silver Cameo Proof Eisenhower Dollar Stunning Bulls Eye Rainbow Toning!

!1974-S Silver Cameo Proof Eisenhower Dollar Stunning Bulls Eye Rainbow Toning!

Somewhat of a Unique Toning - when comparing other Toned Coins of this Mintage.

Be sure to follow the link, and give the other photos a look. Just understand that this camera does not portray the True Beauty of Eye Appeal, that is found here.

It is very doubful that you will find this particular coin priced for less. In all probability - the price will continue to increase over time! As they say - The Time to Strike is While The Anvil is Hot!


With a large number of Coins currently listed on eBay, we have a large collection of more Coins - that we will be listing as time permits! Our Collections range from common coins to Extremely Rare Error and Toned Beauties!

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Entertain this thought - in the long run, it turns out much better when your Crypto Holdings' are shared in multiple baskets. Remember -  I am certainly not a professional financial advisor. On the other hand, it doesn't reqire a special blessing of Understanding, to Know that a Greed driven LIfe Usually does not end up well. When You see promises of 60-70-100%+ ROI, It Is Most Likely a tactic used draw you into greed driven Scam.  

If you are fairly certain the reward gains outweigh the risk - you might want to create an account and activate it with a small amount of funds. Observe it over a resonable amount of time, as you test it's various features and benefits. Wake up Call - If Your Attempt to withdraw Fails, most especially for first timers = Red and Yellow Flags should be flying all around your race track. The Next shot is aimed for your finances - When They Begin to Pressure Force You into paying some Ficticious Amount "before the Prize is delivered to you.  Evidence is now clearly building, and revealed - that you are being Scammed. 

That being my introductory Logic Aproach, where you can avoid many snares and traps. It is possible to quickly turn small amounts of $1 into powerful Investments. People who ventured into thousand dollar acquisitions, of BitCoin when it was priced under $1/Each,  are most  likely well pleased with their Held BitCoin. At this moment in time, BitCoin is Valued at around $40k/Each. Unless God Strikes it down, Pi is Highly Likely to gain Similar Value. Still Free to mine through the App,  the phaze which quickly nears it's end. 

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A Follower of Christ, Champion of Freedom and Human Rights

Murchison Farm
Murchison Farm

59+ years of life and more abundantly.

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