Beware of Crypto scams.

By ArmFarm | Murchison Farm | 15 May 2019

Hello Everyone! I hope you have had a Blessed Day!

A lot of people are scared off of Cryptocurrency and Cryptotokens because of the large number of scams that are out there. This post will be focused on sharing information for newer or less experienced people who want to get involved with the Crypto/Blockchain world.

First we will look at the indicators that will help you to spot the scams. Most of it is common sense, but, we often let our emotions or desire to make quick money blind us to these facts. First of all, if it is to good to be true, then it is almost surely a scam. Beware of sites that promise high returns for your investment. They are often pyramid scams and may even pay off a little, at the beginning, but will most certainly take most of the money in the end! Another ploy is to offer to pay you larger amounts of crypto to perform certain task. They usually also offer you the "opportunity" to purchase crypto. The fact of the matter is that you will never draw the first payout. They may even promise you instant payouts, but, when you start to withdraw they begin to add on certain requirements. The more requirements you meet the more they will add on as long as you will waste your time. A good rule of thumb is if you cannot withdraw your minimum payout, the first attempt, then you have wasted your time and the more you persists the more you waste! They will not hesitate to tell you lies and lead you on as long as you let them.

Another type of scam is the fraudulent Ico, of initial coin offering. They will put up much hype with smoke and morrors to gain all the sales they can, then they will dissapear with the gains.

The last type of scam we will touch upon, in the post, are the shady exchanges, where there are all types of losses, hacks, and other thefts occuring.

If you are ready to purchase your first toksns or coins, then I strongly suggest the Coinbase exchange! It is headquartered in the United States, it is reputable and had been around a long time! They offer only proven Coins and Tokens and Your investment is insured! Their fees are cery reasonable and they are very secure! You can follow this link to set up an account and we will both get $10 of free BitCoin as well as I will be able to send you an invitation to take educational classes and You get an additional $50 in Crypto.

Please follow my blog and read some of my other posts. Your time and interest are highly appreciated!

I am disabled and live on a limited income. So, if you feel generous and have a little extra Bitcoin lying around, please feel free to donate a little. It will help with medical expenses I am facing. My Bitcoin addresse is  35XrC78r8cP6sbVvbH1dRuWpCjdces7fsy

Untill next time,


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Murchison Farm
Murchison Farm

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