Beware Bitcoin generators!

By ArmFarm | Murchison Farm | 14 May 2019

The scam artist loves to pray on people's greed. There are many scams in the crypto currency world, and i have been taken by a few myself. In this brief post, I want to bring a very tempting scam to light so that you won't be taken by the scam artist! They like to call them Bitcoin generators. They promise to pay you anywhere from .1 bitcoin on up, in a very short time frame. They usually have a chat window constantly rolling at the bottom or top where supposed users are talking up their experience and stateing that they really did receive their free Bitcoin etc...  There is often another box that has the name of someone receiving their bitcoin and the amount of bitcoin they received. The catch is they want you to pay a fee to receive your free bitcoin. That is a sure sign of a scam when someone promises you money for a fee. In fact, you pay your fee and never receive the free bitcoin. I am sure most of the seasoned crypto veterans are aware of this scam, but I wanted to forewarn any new users who might not be aware of this particular scam

Once again, I thank you for your time and ask that you follow me and read all of my posts. You can also use the search feature and look at my previous posts. I would greatly appreciate it.

If you are new to the Crypto world, I strongly suggest you use Coinbase as your go to Exchange! They have proven to be solid and trust worthy. Your currency is insured, with them, and they only offer proven crypto currencies and tokens! IF you follow this link and set up an account, with them, we will both get $10 of free Bitcoin.

Also, I am on disability and strugle to make ends meet. I have tried but had no real success in financial help. If you feel generous and have a little extra Bitcoin setting around, any and all donations will be greatly appreciated! My Bitcoin Addresse is : 35XrC78r8cP6sbVvbH1dRuWpCjdces7fsy

May God Bless you


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Murchison Farm
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