Beauty - Is it just in the eye of the beholder?

By ArmFarm | Murchison Farm | 5 Aug 2021

Art is one of the deepest connections we can share as Humans. There are many schools and forms of Art. Some attractions are as simple as Beautiful Colors. Other attractions are much deeper than the simple pleasure of eye appeal. Some Forms of Art, touch us so deeply that they become profound - in our very core!

This following Piece is a Beautiful and Profound Tresure. If this is one type of Art, that you can appreciate - It can currently be found on Ebay. A Treasure and Bargain being offered at under $100.  I'm not sure I would be offering this for sale, were it mine. 

American Silver Eagle Coin Colorful Rainbow Toning #a693

Lord, let it be far from me to act in spite!

Here is the Link, where this treasure is available for a short time!

The Toning may be artificial, or not, but appears to be an art in itself

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A Follower of Christ, Champion of Freedom and Human Rights

Murchison Farm
Murchison Farm

59+ years of life and more abundantly.

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