Beat the Heat!

By ArmFarm | Murchison Farm | 28 May 2019

Hello Everyone! I hope you are having a Blessed day!

Summertime Heat has arrived here in Alabama! The thermometer has been up in the higher 90s and at 100 degrees today! The electric bill soars and the heat becomes fierce! Wouldn't it be nice if you could hang out on a cool creek bed with layers of thick leaved trees overhanging! A few deep holes with cold spring fed water cooling you off even more, as you play and submerge yourself in them!

Guess what? Murchison Farm's primitive campground has it! We also have deep ponds to swim in and Cold water springs with the best tasting water you will ever have! You can find one of the ancient shade trees and set up you camp site. Guess what else? You don't have to run up that power bill cooling off the house while you are gone! A truly inexpensive way to Beat the Heat! We are Pet and Equine friendly with water located in many accessable locations!

You can Find Murchison Farm on Facebook. Please look us up, give us a like, and give us a share! There are some good photos, videos, and info to be found there. If you would like to come camping with us, please look us up on, Hipcampcom, or AirBNB. You can book your reservation on one of these awesome services!

Hope to see you camping, with us, soon! If you like Murchison Farm, please follow my blog and check out the other posts! Thank you for your time and interest!



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A Follower of Christ, Champion of Freedom and Human Rights

Murchison Farm
Murchison Farm

59+ years of life and more abundantly.

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