Another thought on Publish0x.

By ArmFarm | Murchison Farm | 13 May 2019

Hello Everyone! I hope you are having a Blessed Day!

I have been thinking about a problem I am having on Publish0x. I have been trying to think of a simple solution, but, so far I have drawn a blank. Here is what I preceive as a problem - There are so many Authors, now, that my post quickly moves from the top of the list to be burried down under all of the other new posts. It seems that my posts do not get very much exposure, to readers, before it disapears from the readers attention. I think it is great to feature new posts but I wish there was an easy way to browse through older posts that don't make it to the popular section.

Any thoughts, suggestions, ideas, or helpful information will be greatly appreciated!


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A Follower of Christ, Champion of Freedom and Human Rights

Murchison Farm
Murchison Farm

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