A Word of Caution.

By ArmFarm | Murchison Farm | 11 Jun 2019

Hello Everyone! I hope you are having a Blessed and Prosperous day1

In the Crypto World we all get excited in searching for, and finding, places where we can earn some crypto without spending any, or at least very little crypto. When we find something that looks good and/or we get promised referral fees, we naturally want to share the info and links to get our referrals. 

The problem lies in the fact that people are not waiting to see if they have enguaged a scam or not. I do not believe that most are guilty of purposefully sharing scams, although some are and some don't care as long as they make their refferal fees. But, the fact is that, in cases of scams, you will probably not be able to ger your refferal fee. Remember, if it looks too good to be true, it probably is not true. High paying referrals are indicitive of pyramid scams and are quite common.

I am not going to call out any by name, and I am not going to go into details about scams in this short post. What I am going to do is give you some food for thought!

Lately I have seen quite a few post, from various authors, that are sharing sites and referral links, that I know to be scams. Not only are you hurting others, who might be influenced by you, but you are hurting yourself and your reputation, in the process. My advice is to thoroughly test these new places you have found, and especially wait untill you have made a successful withdrawel, before you share. Even then, be very careful, because I have found one such scam that has paid out minimum amounts, after I exposed them to be a scam. There were no payout previously, before I exposed them. I expect that they will sooner or later run off with the money, once they have fooled enough people.

If you are interested in learning what some of those scams are, before you waste your time and the time of others, i suggest you follow my blog and look at the related posts. After all, why would you want to invest your time in something that is not going to pay off. Also there are significant areas of damage that these sites can do to you. Such as steel your personal information and plant malicious files on your device.

Pleae give this post some thought, before you promote or support some new site that you have discovered! After all, there are still many active scams and new ones every day!

Thank you for your time and interest!


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A Follower of Christ, Champion of Freedom and Human Rights

Murchison Farm
Murchison Farm

59+ years of life and more abundantly.

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