A suggestion that would benefit anybody with no experience of legitimate wallets

By ArmFarm | Murchison Farm | 16 May 2019

Hello all of You crypto Bloggers! 

I have a suggestion for some knolodgeable, crypto holder, to write a detailed article on the process of setting up a wallet and how it works. The only knowledge I have is of scam wallets from the past, and they were all for a specific coin or token.

I have followed a link that was given to me, and set up an ETH wallet on MetaMask. I looked up some tutorials, on search engines, but was unable to find one that was current or matched what I see on my screen. That is as far as I have gotten so far. Therer are many questions a novice may have at this point. Such as, Now that I want to receive my payout on Publish0x, Do I just send them both to the ETH account, or do I need a seperate account for both BNTY and HYDRO, or will they both be fine in the same account? 

I want to make sure I don't just rush into this and end up loosing some crypto! I am sure it will help me, and many others new to the experience, If someone could walk us through in Baby steps for the first experience. In the mean time, I am entirely open to any comments and information!

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