A Strong Case for BitCoin!

By ArmFarm | Murchison Farm | 13 Jun 2019

Hello Everyone!

I hesitate to awaken this sleeping giant, mainly because I have not acheived my goal in purchasing BitCoin, but I believe that BitCoin has already acheived strong acceptance as a new currency! The only thing holding it's price down now is that fact that people are not conscious of all of the businesses, and business types, that accept BitCoin as payment! As more and more people become aware of this fact, the price of BitCoin will just continue to rise and will reach new heights!

I have a specific business, in mind, where You can use BitCoin to purchase other high priced assets! In fact, you receive a discount when you use Bitcoin! And I am not talking about the real estate business. In fact there are more important areas, where BitCoin is being taken as payment, than most people are aware of! The only reason this is not made common knowledge, is because the market is being manipulated by profit takers. I personally know of several places, where you can use BitCoin to make purchases, and the price is discounted below, credit card prices and checks. There are even places where shipping is free when you use BitCoin to pay!

I have a goal of buying 4 BitCoins. If I can acheive this goal, then I will make a point of bringing facts forward, into the general public's conscience, that will encourage even wider acceptance!

The high prices, of BitCoin, were speculation in the past. Once the purchasing power of BitCoin becomes common knowledge, it will become a very expensive Crypto indeed. I have no doubt at all!

Thank you for your time and interest!


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Murchison Farm
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