Photo by Maria Pop from Pexels

A` Large Encampment Upon A Very Large Hill

By ArmFarm | Murchison Farm | 12 Jun 2021

A Division, of The Holy Army, sat upon the top. The Main elements of Knights, Clerics, and Paladins grouped under their tents and gazebos. Some were praying, some were resting and sleeping, some were holding Councils. Their armor was set about, in organized  positions. Most were dressed in their Spiritual Armor, and Holy Clothes. In Communion with God, there were no signs of worry, concern, neither any distress.

Outside of the Encampment however, was a beast of another color. The demonic forces, had long since fled the battle, or now been Eternal Damnation.  The only survivors of Evil, remaining on the battlefield, were a mere handfull of Wizards, Warlocks, Witches, Lichs, and Necromancers. They all believed that their enemy was camped upon a Toxic Hill. At least it had been toxic for all their masters - and all their underlings alike!  Death stretched for mile upon mile, in all directions outward from their pitifully small command group. The fear, in their eyes, clearly revealed their awakening to the fallacies and deception - They had been made fools of, by the promises, lies, and all out deception of the demonic powers. The demonic promises, of protection and victory, had simply vanished into thin air. The reality, was the stench of death permeating the air.


stay tuned -

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A Follower of Christ, Champion of Freedom and Human Rights

Murchison Farm
Murchison Farm

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