Many people don't talk about mistakes they have made or situations where they have been taken advantage of, because they are ashamed or they think it might make them look weak or unintelligent. Personally, I don't mind sharing these experiences that occur in my life, because it may benefit someone else and prevent them from having to deal with the same or simular experience.
Today I want to share something that happened to me. I received a statement from paypal for a charge of 83 dollars and some cents. This was totally unexpected and will cause a $30 dollar overdraft with my bank. This is the result of some free 2 week trial, of software, that I took last year. Most often when you see free trial or free samples, there is a catch. Apparently, I did not see the small print, if there even was any, that satated that I would be billed in the future. Almost always they will set you up with a reoccuring charge in the future. One time I ordered a free 30 day supply of herval suppliment and they began charging me a $90/month subscription. Even though I protested and asked for a refund, they continued the next month. I had to cancel the credit card to bring it to an end. Always remember, no matter what they say or lead you to beleive, if they ask for a credit card number they plan on billing you!
I hope this information helps someone and prevents the hadache and nightmare these type of situations present.
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